Jan 9, 2010
Today was lessons, followed by lunch of southern pasta dish: Orrechiette di Brocciote di Puglia (little ears with broccoli from the province of Puglia, near Basilicata) and a wonderful salad with Finocciho (fresh fennel), olives and mandarin oranges.. (doesn't sound good but it was great.) After lunch,everyone takes a siesta for an hour and a half. This is true proof that the blood of Italy runs through my veins. After siesta will go to a museum in Viterbo. My first time out of the house in days. It is still pouring rain.
Before I left California I tried to think of a hostess gift for Alessandra that would represent me and San Francisco. All I could think of was crummy cable car souvenirs or Ghiradelli chocolate. The other day in the market, I was looking for a toy for Thais for La Festa Befana and I found this book, written in Italian.
I wrote a letter to insert inside, but, of course had to get Alessandra's help to edit it. Here it is, first in English, then in Italian:
I wrote a letter to insert inside, but, of course had to get Alessandra's help to edit it. Here it is, first in English, then in Italian:
9 Gennaio 2010
Dear Alessandra,
This book, "Up" is based on a film which my son-in –law animated. Pixar Films is in the town of Emeryville, across the bay from San Francisco and very close to the island where I live. Our family enjoys these films very much because they are stories for adults, not only children, and because they tell stories about life's lessons.
I couldn't think of any gift to bring to you that would represent San Francisco and not be just a silly souvenir. Then I found the perfect thing when I was at the market with Nonna. It is perfect because it is the story a an adventure, a dream of a lifetime and of new friends found along the way who help make the dream come true.
For me, being part of your "real" Italian family, learning about my roots, and writing my book is my great dream and an adventure of a lifetime. I hope that you and Lillo and the rest of your family are each able to enjoy the fulfillment of dreams in your lives. And that you find new friends to share them and make memories together.
Thank you very much for your help and guidance on my adventure and thank you for making me feel a part of your family. I have dreamt of doing this my whole life and it has been even better than I could have imagined.
I embrace you,
Mary McClain
9 Gennaio 2010
Cara Alessandra,
Questo libro,"Up" è basato su una pellicola che mio genero ha animato. La casa di produzione Pixar è nella città di Emeryville, al di la della baia di San Francisco e molto vicino all'isola in cui vivo. Alla nostra famiglia piacciono molto queste pellicole perché sono storie per adulti, non solo per bambini e perché raccontano storie che sono lezioni di vita.
Non potevo pensare a qualche regalo da portarvi che rappresentasse San Francisco e non fosse solo un ricordo "silly". Ho trovato la cosa perfetta quando ero al mercato con Nonna. È perfetto perché è la storia un'avventura, le sogno di un corso della vita e di nuovi amici trovati lungo percorso che contribuisce a realizzare il sogno.
Per me, fare parte della vostra famiglia italiana "reale", imparare su le mie radici e scrivere il mio libro è il mio sogno e la grande avventura della vita. Spero che voi e Lillo ed il resto della vostra famiglia possiate godere l'adempimento dei sogni nelle vostre vite. E anche trovare nuovi amici con cui condiverli e che compongono ricordi.
Grazie molto per il vostro aiuto e per i consigli sulla mia avventura e grazie per considerarmi una parte della vostra famiglia. Ho sognato di fare questo per tutta la mia vita ed è stato ancora migliore di quanto avrei potuto immaginare.
Vi abbraccio,
Mary DeGrazia McClain
Dopo siesta, Nonna and I went to the museo, which specializes in Etruscan archeology. (the Etruscans were here before the Romans.. duh) But they were much more civilized than the Romans and its amazing to compare their pottery... Hmm... are you surprised that I liked the pottery. And, no, I didn't see any teapots. Much of this was found in the nearby towns of Blera and San Giovane (sp?). Blera is where Lillo is from and San Giovane is where Marianna and Francesca live. We are going to drive there tomorrow.
I was only allowed to take 3 pictures, but Nonna explained I was from San Francisco, so the guard said OK, she can take 5. I also tried to take a few of the town. It gets dark early so they aren't great. The best memory was when were all done, Nonna and I wandered around the Piano Terra (ground floor) and couldn't figure out how to get out. The emergency exits that lead outside weren't lit and it was dark and dangerous to try that way. We ended up going into the elevator and ringing the emergency bell. Then, of course, before the guard could come to rescue us, we found the proper door. Nonna said "Due Stupide Donne!" Personally, I loved the moment. Reminded me of a book of Kristens when she was young... some ragazzi stay over night in a museo.
The cita is surrounded by walls, and, like rome, the exits are named for the direction they are facing, questa e` la porta fiorentina (this is the gate facing Florence)
An Etruscan Chariot
Two lions, one much older than the other. The lion is the symbol of Viterbo
Roman Statues some copies of Greek.. Romans didn't invent anything.. they just took the best ideas from the people they conquered.
Le Luce di Natale
ReplyDeleteI am following your travels and lessons. It all sounds fascinating. Glad to read you are enjoying yourself and making new friends. I look forward to reading more as you make your way to Calvello.
John Fasana
ReplyDeleteI am behind on reading your blog but find it exciting to read about your adventures. It is freezing here in Ohio and snowing again today.
Carol S
I'm so envious of your adventure. Learning about your family and your heritage - it is so cool. And your writing is fun, too. I'm behind reading but I will catch up!