I am sad that this is my last day. It is SUNNY out! (of course). Alessandra is worse and so is Nonna. I am a little better. The doctor came to the house early this morning and gave Alessandra some medicine. We cannot go out this afternoon, but it's OK. I have to get ready to go early tomorrow morning; and also its probably better that I rest up anyway… touring Rome can be brutal. There is so much to show John and Margaret. I'm very excited about it. Marianna and Erik came this morning to drop off Thais before they went to work. It is nice to have her back.
Here are some pictures for you.
It takes two to feed Thais... not really.. she is a really good baby.
Nonna made Gnochi Romana for lunch today, along with a frittata (very thin fried egg rolled up). This gnochi isn't like the gnochi we have in ristorantes which are made with potatoes. In Rome they make it with a thick layer of pasta made with farina. Then it is cut into round circles with a glass and put into a baking pan. Then covered with bits of butter and parmassiano and baked.. Sort of like poltenta but with grainy white flour instead of corn flour.
I love the stone hearth cooker. I want one of those!